Managing your Dynamic Web Site
Use your Caltech account credentials to connect to the server "" from a system on campus or while using Caltech's VPN service with the "Tunnel All" option. You may either use SCP/SFTP software to copy files to and from Or you may use SSH for an interactive Linux shell session.
The files for your will be located in the /srv/ folder. This means the file /srv/ is what will be shown at
Make sure that you are using the correct permissions when uploading or creating a file/folder, or no one else in your group will be able to change it:
- user/owner: read & write, plus execute for folders
- group: read & write, plus execute for folders
- others/world: read, plus execute for folders
So in UNIX syntax:
If the option is available in your SCP/SFTP software, please create files/folders with the group that owns your "docroot" folder. This will ensure that other members of your group will be able to make changes to the site.