Legitimate domains appearing in campus mailings
Legitimate domains appearing in campus mailings
Below is a list of domains that might legitimately appear in your campus email. These belong to hosted services in official use at Caltech. As always, if you're unsure or have any questions about a link, please contact Information Security or the Help Desk for assistance.
Athenaeum: www.athenaeumcaltech.com
Athletics: www.gocaltech.com
Alumni Association: caltechalumni.awardsplatform.com
Assetworks: caltech.assetworks.cloud
Box: caltech.app.box.com
Caltech Ready: caltech.kuali.co
CASHnet: commerce.cashnet.com
Everbridge: neconfirm.everbridge.net, evb.gg
Handshake: caltech.joinhandshake.com
JPMC payment system: chasepayments.jpmorgan.com
LabArchives: mynotebook.labarchives.com
Library ticket system: caltechlibrary.atlassian.net
Mailchimp campus bulk mailer links: caltech.us[1-15].list-manage.com, mailchi.mp
Mail Protection Gateway quarantine: dh1791-euq1.iphmx.com
MyLearn: caltech.learn.taleo.net
Sharepoint: caltech.sharepoint.com
Site-licensed software: caltech.onthehub.com
Techmart: solutions.sciquest.com
Qualtrics: caltech.az1.qualtrics.com
Wufoo forms: hrcaltech.wufoo.com
Zoom: caltech.zoom.us