Q: I don't have an access.caltech account. How do I get an account?
A: To register for an access.caltech account, please visit /help/accounts.
Q: How do I download software?
A: See /software/downloading-software.
Q: Can I install my software on two computers at once?
A: Yes, you should purchase additional licenses. Select the software you want, enter the quantity you need, and click on "Add to Cart".
Q: How can I re-install my software on the same machine?
A: If you have run out of downloads, click on "Request additional downloads". Now you can request an additional install, provided you give a valid reason for the re-install. Please allow at least one business day to process your request.
Q: Where can I find my serial number/product key/license number?
A: Serial numbers/product keys/license numbers can be found on your purchase receipt. Log in, click on "Your Account/Orders" at the top of the page and select the product that you want to see the purchase receipt for.
Q: I want to download Microsoft Windows, but I don't see it listed.
A: If you are an undergraduate or graduate student, you are not eligible to download Microsoft Windows from software.caltech.edu. Students can download Microsoft Windows and other Microsoft software from https://azureforeducation.microsoft.com/devtools for use on personally-owned computers. See /software/msdnaa for more information.
If you are a visitor, external affiliate, summer student, trustee, or retiree, you are not eligible to download Microsoft software from software.caltech.edu.
Q: Can I download software when I'm not on campus?
A: You can only download software if:
- You are on the Caltech network, and
- If your Caltech status allows it
To be on the Caltech network, you will need to be either:
- On Campus using the Caltech network service
- Off Campus using Caltech VPN Service in conjuction with your own internet service
Please note that most software packages such as Microsoft Windows and Office do not require a connection to the Caltech network to run. Some, such as Matlab, SolidWorks and Scientific Workplace require a connection to the Caltech Network. The exceptions are noted in the software descriptions.
Only faculty, staff, postdocs and students have access to site-licensed software. Visitors have limited access to site-licensed software. Guests, retirees, trustees, and summer students are not eligible.
Q: What do I do with my software licenses when I leave Caltech?
A: All site licensed software must be removed from any personally owned computer upon leaving Caltech. If you are no longer employed by or a student at Caltech, you are no longer authorized to use any of the institute's site licensed software.
Mount an ISO onto a virtual drive
- In order to mount the ISO on a Windows computer, you will need to use a third party ISO mounting application. Some options include:
- Virtual CD-ROM Control Panel (Windows XP, Vista, 7 compatible): http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=38780
- Virtual Clone Drive: http://www.slysoft.com/en/virtual-clonedrive.html
- Magic ISO Virtual CD/DVD-ROM: http://www.magiciso.com/tutorials/miso-magicdisc-overview.htm
- Review the instructions or Read Me files for these tools for directions on how to install the software and mount an ISO.
- Mac OSX will automatically mount an ISO by double-clicking the ISO file itself.
- Once the ISO is mounted, you can browse through all the files contained within the ISO to begin your software installation.
Create/burn an install disc
- You will need CD/DVD burning software installed on your Windows computer in order to create an install disc. If you do not have disc burning software already installed, some options include:
- ImgBurn: http://www.imgburn.com
- Power ISO: http://www.poweriso.com
- When burning your disc, be sure to select the option to create disc from image, or burn image. Do not simply create a data disc, which just copies files and folders to disc.
- Windows 7 and 8 have the ability to create discs from an ISO without any third party tools:
- Locate the ISO file that you want to create a CD/DVD from.
- Right-click on the ISO file and select Burn disc image.
- Select your Disc burner on the next screen and click Burn.
- Mac OS X can also create install discs without any third party tools:
- Launch Disk Utility, located in Applications > Utilities.
- Under the Images menu, select Burn.
- Select the ISO file that you want to burn.
- Make any changes to the options, and click Burn.
- Once the CD/DVD is created, you can use the disc in any computer with a CD/DVD drive and install software directly from the disc.
Extract the ISO contents
- To extract ISO contents and save them to your Windows computer, you will need a third party tool. Some options include:
- Once the ISO contents have been extracted, you can browse through all the extracted files to begin your software installation.