Register My Device
If you want to use wireless with personal devices such as printers, game consoles, and media devices, they need to be registered and use the Caltech Visitor wireless network. Caltech faculty, staff, and students can register and manage up to 10 personal devices.
Once successfully registered, configure your personal device(s) to connect to the Caltech Visitor wireless network. If prompted to enter an SSID, enter 'Caltech Visitor'.
- Most laptops, tablets, and phones should connect to ‘Caltech Secure'.
- Data on the Caltech Visitor wireless network is NOT encrypted unless your device encrypts it by using https or ssl
- Device registration is valid for 1 year
Instruction to connect Lab monitoring and conference devices
- To connect non-personal devices such as lab monitoring devices or devices installed in conference rooms or classrooms, please instead create a ticket at (request type IMSS > Network > Wireless Device Registration).
How to register your personal device for Caltech Visitor:
- Go to and log in with your access.caltech username and password
- Click "Create Device" button on the left side menu

3. Fill out the form and choose any sharing options for Airplay enabled devices (AppleTVs, some printers). Need help to find your wireless MAC address?

- Click Create Device to complete and view your receipt
- Now configure your device to connect to Caltech Visitor
NOTE: If you have an AppleTV or a device that you need a connection from the Secure wireless network, please make sure you check mark "Enable AirGroup".